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Ch. RoundAbout Gleneagle

We've Only Just Begun


If there is a spot light, Karen will find it like the huntress she is. And when she finds it, she'll work it...hard. She can't help it. She's been cursed with the kind of charisma and flair that demands only one path through life: celebrity. The flashing bulbs of paparazzi follow her where ever she goes....and she loves every minute of it. She's like the Beyonce of Mini-Wires...and when she enters a show ring, she pops it with a little Sasha FIERCE. 


Karen is the first RoundAbout homebred champion.  She was bred in partnership with our doxie mentor and friend, Lisa Kennel, who gave us our start in dachshunds and has been there coaching and supporting us every step of the way. 


Karen was precocious-- completing her championship at only 8 months of age with all majors!  She won winners bitch for a major and best of opposite sex at her first dog show under respected hound judge Dana Cline-- she was only 6 months and 3 days old!  She completed her championship by going Winners Bitch for a five-point major at the 2013 Badger Dachshund Club Specialty Show.  She took the rest of the year off to grow up, but expect to see her back in the specials ring during 2014!


- Finished her Championship with all Majors from 6-9 month Puppy Class


- Winner's Bitch (5-Point Major) - 2013 Badger Dachshund Club Specialty Show 

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