RoundAbout: [adj. round-uh-bout,
round-uh-bout] 1. The most efficient way to navigate a crossroads.

Travis Wright
RoundAbout me >
I seem to reach just about every important destination in my life in a roundabout way. Though I've tried to plan my journey carefully, I’ve learned that the best things in life often happen when I miss the turn.
Not surprisingly, I missed a few turns on the way to naming the kennel. But once I arrived, it perfectly summarized the way I navigate life. I have a clear vision of where I want the road to take me - but along the way I try to embrace the unexpected and appreciate the learning and laughter that happens by taking the scenic route.
So how does a Harvard-educated college professor from East Tennessee end up living on a farm in Wisconsin raising champion show dogs and rare heritage livestock? Well, in a RoundAbout way, of course...
Get the full scoop by clicking on my photo on the right...
Get to know Travis...
The RoundAbout team >
There is NO WAY I could do what I do without the help of some VERY VERY special friends. Well, more than friends. They are the RoundAbout family. These folks show up in the middle of the night when it all hits the fan, celebrate the day to day joys, and are there to walk with me through the heartbreaks.
Mentors & Friends >
I am lucky to count on a team of mentors and friends who deserve much of the credit for my success. I will never have enough words to thank Donna and Ben Dale and Michael Pesare and Maida Connor (Gleanntan Skyes), Lisa Kennell and Carol Leggat (Gleneagle Dachshunds), and Zena Thorn-Andrews (Drakesleat) for their on-going support, encouragement, and for sharing such amazing dogs with me.
I also benefit from a whole bunch of other fantastic doggie and non-doggie friends, who make me laugh, celebrate victories, support me in the heartbreaks, and who teach me constantly. Each of these dear friends inspires, encourages, and supports me as I chase my dreams.
Check us out!
See why I love breeding Mini-wirehaired Dachshunds in this video produced by the American Kennel Club >